Monday, April 30, 2012

Oromia-Ethiopia: Three-Day Campaign on Human Rights and Land-Grabbing a Success

April 30, 2012 at 2:52 am ·
A successful three-day campaign to bring awareness about land grabbing and human rights violations in Oromia and Ethiopia was conducted from 26-28th of April 2012 in Brussels and Antwerp, Belgium.
The campaign, which lasted for three days, started on the 26th of April 2012, when a delegation from Oromo communities in Europe – consisting of Mr. Mulugeta Mossissa from the Netherlands, Prof. Mekuria Bulcha from Sweden, Mr. Tesfaye Metta from Belgium and Dr. Alemayehu Kumsa from Czech Republic – headed to the Office of the President of the European Parliament and was received by Mr. Marc Jütten, Advisor for the External Policies in the President’s Cabinet. During the meeting, which lasted for an hour, the delegates informed Mr. Mark about the human rights violations in Oromia and Ethiopia. The discussions covered various aspects of human rights violations in the country with focused on land grabbing, evictions of Oromo farmers, and the conditions of the Oromo refugees in the Horn of Africa and Yemen.
The delegates also pointed the role that the EU aid to the Ethiopian government plays in boosting the moral and military might of the dictatorship that rules the country, and its direct effect on the suffering of the Oromo people under the same regime, which hunts Oromo dissidents to the extent of thousands of miles from its borders in the sovereign territory of other nations – sometimes in complicit with concerned state securities.
Mr. Mark promised to deliver the concern of the delegates to the EU Parliament’s President, Mr. Martin Schulz, and to mention the issue with concerned authorities.
Letters with similar appeals were also delivered to the European Council’s President, Mr. Van Rompuy, and to the European Commission’s President, Mr. José Manuel Durão Barroso, from which concerted and practical actions are expected.

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