Saturday, April 21, 2012

እኮ መች ሰደበን አልን...?

ከህዝብ ልጅ በፊት ብዙዎች አዚሙ
ምኒሊክ ጀግና ነው ብለው ደጋገሙ
ማን ገዶት ማንስ ጆሮ ሰጥቶት ለዛ ዳንኪራቸው
ያሻቸውን ቢሎ ሁሉም self opinion entitle ናቸው
ግና የህዝብ ልጅ የህዝብ ነውና
እርሱ ራሱን ሊሰጥ በምላሹ ክብር ይሰጥዋልና
ያማ  ነው ውለታው ሌላማ ምን አለ
ጥቁር ሰው ጥቁር ሰው ብሎ ሊያስታርቀን ከመድረኩ ሳለ
እረ እኛ አላልንም የህዝብ ልጅ ሰደበን
ታሪኩም ታሪካችን ድሉም ያአፍሪካ ድል ብለን መሰከርን
ነገሩ ወዲህ ነው አይደለም ከወዲያ
ታሪክ ጸሃፊዎቻችን ተጠምደው በጥድፊያ
በመረጣ ስልት በመተው በሽታ በታሪክ ማጠልሸት
ይህው አገር ሰጡን የአንዱ ታሪክ ገዝፎ የሌላው የሞተበት
ምን አለበት ታድያ እኛም እንደናንተ self opinion entitle ብንሆን?
አቦቦቦ!!! ተውን በቃ ጥቁር ሰው አይደለም ጥቁር ልብ ይጥፋልን

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Timeless Speech

"So always remember, whatsoever I say to you, you can take it in two ways. You can simply take it on my authority, "Because I say so, it must be true" -- then you will suffer, then you will not grow. Whatsoever I say, listen to it, try to understand it, implement it in your life, see how it works, and then come to your own conclusions. They may be the same, they may not be. They can never be exactly the same because you have a different personality, a unique being. Whatsoever I am saying is my own. It is bound to be in deep ways rooted in me. You may come to similar conclusions, but they cannot be exactly the same. So my conclusions should not be made your conclusions. You should try to understand me, you should try to learn, but you should not collect knowledge from me, you should not collect conclusions from me. Then your mindbody will grow."