Sunday, May 6, 2012

Oromia-Ethiopia: No Right Without Popular Might!

May 4, 2012 at 6:39 pm ·
Press release by: United Liberation Forces of Oromiyaa (ULFO).
 The TPLF-led regime of Ethiopia has demonstrated yet again its barbaric action in massacring in a broad daylight peaceful prayers at a mosque, in Oromiyaa. On April 27, 2012, in the southeastern region of Oromiyaa, in Asaasaa town, forces of the regime went on rampage and terrorized prayers at a local mosque in the town. Various reliable media sources reported that the TPLF forces had indiscriminately fired on prayers killing 10, wounding 60, and arresting and taking over 100 people to unknown location. The United Liberation Forces of Oromiyaa (ULFO) is outraged by the callous act of the regime. The ULFO condemns the TPLF regime that has orchestrated and perpetrated such a crime against humanity in all stern terms possible and holds the regime accountable for its heinous crime.
Just as usual, to hide its sinister actions, the regime is spreading its crafted stories regarding the cause of the Asaasaa incident. However, the fact remains that the incident is a making of the regime. The TPLF.s Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, who is notoriously known for concocting pretexts to conveniently target his prey, in his briefing to the rubber stamp parliament two weeks ago, alleged that there are Al Qaeda cells in Arsii and Baalee . in the area where the incident coincidently occurred. His briefing report is totally unfounded. It is a farfetched fiction. This fiction is a common lucrative currency that Meles Zenawi has been using all along to trade for political support from western governments and arm his state machinery that is continuously quashing potential enemies of his regime.
Meles Zenawi’s regime had to use the “discovery of Al Qaeda” in the area as a basis for launching the attack on innocent people. Among the ones his forces killed are a 6-year old boy and an elderly in his 70s. Did they really happen to be members of the Al Qaeda cells he is referring to? Not by a long shot. The only crime of the victims of the Asaasaa incident was that they attempted to protect their Imam who the police had humiliated, tortured, and arrested just because he happened to be not the Imam of the regime’s choice. The people of Asaasaa collectively opposed the unjust treatment and the flagrant human rights violation of a religious leader of their community. This stand made them the enemy of the regime. At the moment, the all out enemy of Melles’s regime are the likes of the people of Asaasaa across Oromiyaa, in particular and the Ethiopian empire at large, who stand up for their rights and resist the tyrannical rule of his regime. With his regime edging to descend to the dust bin of history, Meles Zenawi is desperately unearthing any means that prolong the lifespan of his regime. One such survival means he chose to toy with is the card of instigating religious conflicts. In the past, his regime attempted sparking conflicts between followers of two religions (Christianity and Islam) that have peacefully thrived side by side for over a millennium. Lately, his regime has been meddling and creating undue tensions among followers of different Muslim sects and denominations of Christian faith. All this scheming is merely to buy time for his despised regime. By pitting people of different faith and/or ethnic groups with one another, he is hoping to divide and destruct them from collectively standing against his dictatorial rule.
The Asaasaa incident may be presented to appear isolated. However, that is not the case. The incident epitomizes the grand design of the TPLF regime. The design is to impose the Muslim sect of its choice, Al-Ahbaash, on the Muslim community with the aim of creating division among them. Through its political cadres/agents armed with both guns and the teaching of the .newfound version of Islam., the regime is frantically imposing the teaching of the Al-Ahbash sect all across Muslim communities. Imams are forcibly indoctrinated with this version of Islam and ordered to teach it to their mosque prayers. Those who accept the order will thrive and others will face the merciless retribution – the kind that the peaceful people of Asaassa encountered on that fateful Friday.
It is such an outrageous state intrusion in the faith of ordinary citizens that has presently caused the uproar all across the Muslim communities in the Ethiopian empire. Given the track record of the regime, the ULFO is deeply concerned that the likes of Asaasaa incident could reoccur. The Muslim community will justifiably continue rejecting the forced indoctrination of new sect presented to them like a cocktail. On the other hand, to fulfill its agenda, the regime appears to be bent on implementing this bizarre project of “faith planting” in a country that is not hungry for belief systems but food, education, human rights, freedom, and social and economic development. The ensuing clash between the people and the regime would undoubtedly worsen the down spiraling and deepening crisis in the country.
As stated earlier, the prime agenda of the regime is to stay in power by any means necessary. On the other hand, the people of Oromiyaa have no choice but to stand together and struggle for their inalienable rights, human rights, democratic rights, freedom of religion etc. No right is respected where there is no popular might – the power of people. Therefore, the ULFO urges the people of Oromiyaa to transcend all superficial divides imposed on them and remain united as a people with the same destiny against the fascist regime of Meles Zenawi. We remind all to be mindful and watchful of pitfalls the regime is dragging our people into in order to arrest the liberation movement of the Oromo nation.
The ULFO appeals to the international community and the western powers to duly see into and help restrain the unbridled crime the regime of Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia is committing against the Oromo people. In light of the current crisis that is besieging his regime, Meles Zenawi could desperately unleash his forces for rampant killing of people who voice for their rights. We urge all who have a stake in the security of the region not to remain acquiescent with the usual reckless actions of his regime.
Oromiyaa shall be free!!!
Unity is strength!!!
The United Liberation Forces of Oromiyaa

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