Monday, May 7, 2012

Let us struggle in unison for our dignity and freedom!

Alliance for Liberty, Equality and Justice in Ethiopia (ALEJE) has been closely monitoring the development of events in Ethiopia in the last three months. From the intensifying deterioration of human rights in Gambella to the forced eviction of ethnic Amharas, from the desecration of sacred places in Waldiba Monastery to the political manipulation of the Muslim faith and worship, and from the ever worsening economic conditions to the ever shrinking political space, Ethiopia has become a completely uninhabitable land. As a result, today, thousands die trying to reach safe havens and tens of thousands are in filthy prisons all over the world. As evidenced by national and international human rights groups, those who bravely opposed the regime often find themselves in jails or graves.
The continued pattern of land grab by foreign multinational companies combined with forcible eviction of long time Amhara inhabitants from the southern region are creating an intolerable situation that can only be described as a form of ethnic cleansing. In the sphere of religion, Meles Zenawi’s regime has displayed its disrespect and utter insensitivity to faith and faith based institutions of the nation. Thru its political cadres, the regime has infiltrated the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and has turned this holy institution into its machinery of oppression; and currently, the Zenawi regime is working hard to control the Muslim faith institutions. All in all, Zenawi’s repressive ethnic minority regime has viciously attacked Muslims, Christians, farmers, merchants, artisans, students, teachers and workers.
ALEJE believes that an attack on Muslims is an attack on Christians and an attack on the workers is an attack on farmers. Therefore, ALEJE urges all Ethiopians to stand together and defend each other’s rights and freedom by coming together to fight the common enemy of the country and the freedom of its people. It is time to critically see the inner core of the regime’s divide and rule policy and acknowledge that, Muslim or Christian, student, teacher, soldier or farmer; as citizens of Ethiopia, we all live in the context of each other. Hence, it is exceedingly important that we stand for one another because an attack on one of us is and on all of us.  ALEJE takes this opportunity to call upon   all Ethiopian Christians to join our Muslim brothers in order to enable the popular struggle to a victorious end by embracing all pockets of resistance forces in different parts of the country.
Alliance for Liberty, Equality and Justice in Ethiopia strongly believes that the territorial integrity of Ethiopia and the socio-economic & political well-being of its people have never been at a greater risk like they are now under the ever intensified destructive and divisive policies of the minority regime. The rapid development of events in Ethiopia clearly indicates that the current conditions in Ethiopia have given us the opportunity to claim our country.  ALEJE encourages Ethiopians inside and outside the country to set aside their differences and cease the moment to claim back our country, dignity and freedom from the current ruthless, reckless, and thoughtless dictators. ALEJE would like to assure to all Ethiopians that it will stand and struggle with them throughout the rugged march towards freedom, equality and national dignity for all.

Victory for the struggling people of Ethiopia!
Down with Meles Zenawi’s minority dictatorship!
ALEJE Member Organizations:
Ginbot 7 Movement for Justice, Freedom and Democracy
Afar People’s Party (APP)
Ethiopian Unity and Justice Movement (EUJM)
Contact address:

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