Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ethnic-Based Politics in Ethiopia

By Teklu Abate

According  to the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia, there are 79 political parties
registered  under  Proclamation No573/2008.  Of  these, only  29%  have country-wide
(national)  identity whereas  71%  are regional parties that are  organized around  ethnic
lines. Of  those parties dubbed  to have  national outreach, some such as All Amhara
People’s Organization (AAPO), Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Front (EPRDF), Geda
System Advancement Party, Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement,  and All Oromo
People Democratic Party do actually have, as their names indicate, ethnicity as their
organizing logic. Several armed groups and parties are also following suit. Stated simply,
Ethiopian politics is  heavily  smeared with ethnicism. On  average, each nationality
(ethnic group) has got its own political party.

That means, the political philosophy of the EPRDF (ethnic federalism) seems to have
gotten popularity from the opposition.  By  necessity, affinity, and/or rhetoric, the
majority of opposition political parties  make ethnicism their core.  Meaning, ethnic
federalism is what unifies EPRDF and the opposition. Although the former has got the
power/legitimation to enforce the ideology, the latter have been playing a no-less-thanimportant role in giving it real life.

Some people tend to mistakenly trace the commencement of ethnic politics in Ethiopia
to the  political participation of the  late Professor and accomplished surgeon Asrat
Woldeyes. Following the ratification of the FDRE Constitution and in response to the
rampant persecution and mass killing of the Amharas,  which is still the reality, Asrat
was ‘forced’ to form the AAPO. Although the party was technically formed to ‘fight’ all
the injustices made against the Amharas, the party was tasked to demand and safeguard
freedom and democracy at the national level.

In  fact, Professor Asrat’s  public  speeches, some of which are  available  on YouTube,
aimed at ensuring national unity, peace, and freedom. From the beginning, it was only
the great surgeon who opposed the endorsement of the Constitution on the grounds that
it undermined Ethiopia’s interest as an independent and unified nation. From that point
onwards, Asrat attracted a lot of negative energy from the ruling party. Despite all the
odds  that happened to him  (e.g.  he was fired from Addis Ababa University), Asrat
intensified his struggle for the freedom of the poor. His formation of the AAPO was not
in support of ethnic politics but was an immediate reaction to the massacre of the
Amharas. Had Asrat been allowd to lead his life and career, we would have seen the
immediate ‘translation’ of the AAPO into a national party.

Ethnic politics in reality has its roots in the now Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).
The founders of this party happened to champion the interest of the Tigray people. After
the 17 year protracted war with the Derg, with strong support from the West and with a
little bit of luck, they managed to emerge victorious. At the eve of the victory,  ‘sister’political parties  were formed representing major ethnic groups such as the Amharas, Oromos, and lately the Southern Nationalities. That fabric metamorphosed into ethnic federalism, which defines current Ethiopian politics. Consequently, the creator and God father of ethnic politics in Ethiopia  must be  the ruling party.  The  majority of  the opposition political parties just contributed to draw its huge public face- they played a
legitimating role.  But  what is  an  important  question  is not who  started it but what
unwanted consequences are there in relation to ethnic politics.

Seen at the surface, there seems not to be a problem in practicing politics along ethnic
lines. There are several people who even argue that such model of politics allows grassroots-level  participation and is an expression of  improved  democratic governance,
equality, social inclusion, and political consciousness. Theoretically and potentially, this
argument seems to hold some water.

It is, however, a  practical  rarity  to  successfully  fight for freedom and democratic
governance while staying dear and near to one’s own ethnicity. I strongly advocate for
democracy, the rule of law, and presence of alternative voices, but when it comes to
ethnic-based political  parties, I do have serious reservations. I rather claim that
practicing ethnic politics is not the right strategy to fight injustices and to bring genuine

One, such political fabric bears no fruits so far. Ethnic politics has been on the horizon
since 1991. Political parties proliferated over the years since then. But their contribution
to ‘fighting’ injustices is nearly unnoticeable. The reason is not only because the ruling
party is systematically narrowing down the playing field but also because of the divided
and symbolic nature of the opposition. The opposition is itself seriously divided along
ethnic lines and some even see each other as potential threats. Ethnic political parties
have a problem going beyond their own localities.

Two, forming  ethnic  parties  is thus limiting, both physically and psychologically. The
parties are known only to their respective ethnic groups and to the Electoral Board. The
Oromo-based parties, for instance, hardly work in Northern Ethiopia. All the promotion
and campaigning is done within their own localities only. They could not compete or win
members, resources and names elsewhere within the country. They are thinking within
their own boxes.

Three, ethnic  parties just  confuse the general Ethiopian  public.  Several  ethnic groups
each have more than two political parties. It is made unnecessarily confusing to join or
support either party. They  just frustrate the public. Several people seem to consider
opposition parties as hopeless, powerless, disorganized, and fragmented and the like.
This kills public motivation to get involved in politics. Ethnic parties retard and at best
kill opposition politics much more than what EPRDF does to the latter.

Four, ethnic politics falsely communicates the  presence of  freedom and political
participation and  inclusion. There  are several who think that forging a party of some
kind is itself a success. Their leaderships, who seem to secure tenurships, roam around
villages when  elections are  around.  They  proudly talk how their ethnic groups are
represented in Ethiopian politics. This sends a false signal to at least people external to
Ethiopian politics; they are in fact the voiceless voices. They are noises that constantly
irritate the public.

Five, national agendas and interests are being undermined mainly because of ethnicallycharged politics. Parties tend to exclusively focus on their own constituencies’ practical
matters, albeit unsuccessfully. It is hard to get ethnic parties that raise issues related to
Ethiopia’s borders, state of the education sector, unemployment and standard of living,
individual freedom, the exodus of the youth to foreign lands, the Ethiopian Diaspora,
Ethiopian history and  future.  Because of the obsession and compulsion with ethnic
politics, our future integrity and prospect as a nation seem to be less discussed.

Six, ethnic politics contributes little or no to future peace and cooperation.  The more
parties love their own ethnic groups and cultures, the less they stand on the  common
platform- being Ethiopian.  Along  with other aggravating conditions, ethnic politics
could be considered a recipe for future conflict and war among the over 80 nationalities.

Concluding remarks
Ethnicism seems to define Ethiopian politics. It is a common denominator to the ruling
party and the opposition. The two, precisely speaking, have a lot in common than their
differences. If they differ at all, it is related to getting supremacy and power. The less the
difference exists between the ruling party and the opposition, the more frustrating and
meaningless would be the political struggle.  That  is mainly why we do not see any
promising development both from Ethiopia and abroad. If  the opposition really  care
about  and for  Ethiopian politics, they must think and act out of their boxes- their
ethnicity.  Ethiopia is much more than the sum of all the  political  parties and  ethnic

The writer could be reached at and also blogs at

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