Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Oromia-Ethiopia-Ogaden: Racialized Geography of Food Insecurity in Ethiopia, and G8 Summit

May 14, 2012 at 11:53 pm · Gadaa.com
From an insider’s point of view, two patterns are most salient about the unfolding threat of food insecurity in Ethiopia:
*That the geography of life-threatening food insecurity canvasses the peripheral southern regional states such as, the Southern Nations and Nationalities, Oromia, Ogaden-Somali. Ironically these south Ethiopia’s regions are the greenest and the most fertile. They are simultaneously the scenes of ongoing low-intensity armed conflicts between Meles Zenawi’s government of Ethiopia and the Oromo Liberation Front in Oromia, the Sidama Liberation Front in the SNNP, the Ogaden Liberation Front in Ogaden and the Afar Liberation Front in Afar. We see clearly that the maps of famine follow the maps of conflict and instability. Showing that famine is used as a weapon of collectively punishing ethnic groups in the non-ruling geographic areas, whereas the same levels of food insecurity are not observable in Tigray region ( the homeland of the Prime Minster of Ethiopia).

*The second pattern is that benevolent Western aid organizations involved in helping systematic famine victims and Western reporters blame (frame) the cause of this large-scale famine in the south exclusively on the shortage of rainfall and population growth. No Western media cites war as a primary cause of food insecurity in Ethiopia. Resettling and urbanization are erroneously suggested as solutions for those superficial causative factors.Further details: http://oromopress.blogspot.com/2012/05/racialized-geography-of-food-insecurity.html

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